다큐멘터리 / HD / Stereo /102분
따뜻한 볕의 마을 밀양은 산과 강, 넓은 평야가 어우러져 생명의 기운이 가득 찬 곳이다.
밀양 할매, 할배들은 대를 이어 평생 땅을 일구며 살아왔다.
2000년 한국전력공사는 신고리 3,4호기 원전에서 생산된 전기를 서울 수도권까지 송전하기 위해 밀양에 62기의 765kV송전탑 공사 계획을 확정했다.한국전력공사는 '전원개발촉진법'을 적용해 주민의 토지를 강제 수용했고, 민주적인절차를 거치지 않은 채 공사 - 중단 - 일방적인 대화를 반복했다.
<밀양 아리랑>은 매일 새벽 산을 오르며 맨몸으로 765kV 송전탑을 막기 위해 싸워온 밀양 주민들에 대한 기록이다. 주민들이 부르는 구슬픈 아리랑 속엔 핵과 송전탑, 민주적이지 못한 에너지 구조, 소비문화의 신화, 공동체가 파괴 된 폭력적인 국가에 살고 있는 우리의 욕망과 그들의한이 녹아있다. 밀양 주민들은 묻는다. "왜 수도권에서 쓸 전기를 보내기 위해 우리의 목숨을 담보잡혀야 하는가?", 이 물음에서 시작 된 질문은 "왜 핵발전이어야 하는가?"로 확장된다. <밀양 아리랑>은 밀양 투쟁의 의미와 주민들의 질문에 대한 답을 찾아 나선다.

우리 밭 옆에 765가 뭔가 송전탑을 세운다네예
지난 3년 동안 농사꾼이 농사도 내팽겨치고 이리저리 바쁘게 다녔어예.
그거 들어오면 평생 일궈온 땅 잃고, 나도 모르게 병이 온다캅디더.
동네 어르신들이랑 합심해가 정말 열심히 싸웠는어예.
근데 작년 10월에 3천명이 넘는 경찰들이 처들어 와가 우리 마을을 전쟁터로 만들어놨어요.
산길, 농로길 다 막고 즈그 세상인냥 헤집고 다니는데 속에 울화병이 와가 살수가 없습니더.
경찰들 때문에 공사현장에도 못 올라가보고, 발악을 해봐도 저놈의 철탑 막을 길이없네예.
핵발전소 때문에 들어선다는데...아이고 할말이 참 많은데 한번 들어보실랍니꺼.

출연 김영자 김은숙 덕촌할매 말해할매 성은희 이종숙
기획 제작 오지필름
연출 구성 편집 박배일
조연출 김주미 문창현
촬영 박배일 이경희 문창현 안명환

Production Note
Miryang, drenched in warm sunlight, is a village, with the mountains, rivers and open fields in harmony, thathas been filled with the energy of life since the ancient times. The elderly citizens of Miryang have been living here, tending the land for life,following many generations of ancestors.
In 2000, the Korea Electric Power Company firmly decided that they would contruct a total of 62 765kV power transmission towers in Miryangin order to transmit the electricity produced in the New Gori 3rd, 4th nuclear power plants to the capital city of Seoul and its vicinity areas. Applying the “Electric Source Development Promotion Act,” the Power company grabbed the villagers’ farmlands by force, And with no democratic procedures, they repeated the cycle of constructions, halts and one-sided talks.
<Miryang Arirang> is a documentation of the Miryang residents, who have been climbing the mountains at dawn each morning to prevent the construction of the 765kV transmission towers with their meager bodies and flesh.
In the melancholic songs of Arirang that the residents often sing, there are our greed and their pains sadly intertwined, all equally from the fact that we are currently living in a violent state where the sense of community is destroyed with the culture of consumption, non-demotratic energy policy and structure, the power transmission towers and finally, the nuke.
The Miryang resident are asking, "In order to transmit the electricity to be consumed in the capital city areas, why do WE have to put our lives on collateral?" and this question consequently leads us to a more fundamental question like "Why does it have to be a nuclear power plant?"
<Miryang Arirang> sets out in search of the answers to the residents`questions, together with the meaning of their exhausting battles.

RIght next to my vegetable fields, they are going to erect something called 765kV power transmission tower, I hear. For the past three years, I have been terribly busy with this issue, having abandoned much of the farming as a farmer! If that thing settles in here, I will lose my land that I have tended and earned through hard work in my entire life, and not only that, it could cause some dreadful sickness to creep into my body, I hear. Together with other senior citizens in my village, I have been fighting with all my might.
Then, in October last year, more than 3,000 police came into my village and turned my beautiful village into a battle field! They have blocked every single road, mountian paths and even the paths to our farmlands, and ruled our village as if it belong to them, which made me sick with rage and frustration. Because of the police all over, I can`t even get up on the construction site to check and it seems impossible to prevent that ugly steel tower, no matter how we protest with outcries and kicks.
It is all for the new nuclear power plants, I hear. Oh My, I have so much to say… Would you care to listen to our stories…?